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"Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." Frederick Douglas

October 31, 2011

Lucky....very lucky

On Friday October 28th as I left work after a good day of teaching and learning I was involved in a pretty bad accident. I was on Grant road stopped behind all the traffic heading toward I10 when a car behind me drove over the metal storm drain and lost control hitting me. I was turned into a human pin ball (which is no where near as much fun as it sounds) and I ended up landing in the bed of the pickup in front of me. After a 5+ hour long Er visit I am now back at home resting and hoping to be able to return to my class as soon as possible.

My bike before the accident...

My bike after the accident. . .

I am very lucky, nothing broken, just banged up really well. Resting and hoping my class is doing their best. I will return as soon as I can.


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