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"Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." Frederick Douglas

February 19, 2014

RODEO BREAK here we come

Yeah, Rodeo Break (Feb 20-23) is almost here!

We are currently reading the 2nd book in an exciting series call The Magician, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel in class. We have met many characters from history and mythology. Out of the entire series only the 2 main characters are actually made up, the rest come from real history or real mythology of the world.

We learned about Nicholas Flamel, Dr. John Dee, and many others. In the 3rd book we are introduced to Billy the Kid. Billy the kid is a real person from our American Wild West. He lived and died in New Mexico over 120 years ago.

This year I plan to spend the majority of the break in New Mexico with my daughter exploring the history of the Wild West. Plan to visit the childhood homestead and one of the more famous places that Billy the Kid lived, worked and did things to become a part of the history of the Wild West.

Keep a watch for updates and pictures of this fun and exciting adventure.