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"Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." Frederick Douglas

October 29, 2010

Happy Last Friday of October


4th and 5th grade 1st Quarter Awards Assembly is next Wednesday, Novermber 3, 2010-Starts at 2 pm

Book orders are also due on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What we did today:

We had a great time today during the parade.

We also enjoyed participating in the Pumpkin Circuit centers. Thanks 4th grade teachers for inviting us. We had a blast doing fun math activities in each of the different classrooms.

We graded our quarterly math assessment. You all did better this time. You are slowly learning all that math you didn't know when the year started and your last took this test.

We are still working on our writing prompt about whether you agree or disagree that the school year should be longer.


Read for at least 45 minutes each night, Record what you read in your homework notebook and on your roadrunner tale form.

October 19, 2010

2nd Qtr Day 2


Pictures are Friday. Look for notices to go home with the Wednesday Envelopes.

Math Wizards is Thursday. Let's see that Yoda stays with us another month. Study those facts.

What we did today:

We continued to work on October's Macro. We went over Lessons 11/12 and you are to complete them for homework.

We will be adding in other math work as you get better at handling the Macro.

We are studying about specific explorers this week in Social Studies. Also we are taking week 2 and 3 tests, so remember to study your newspsper and social studies notes so that you are prepared for the test.

We will be starting a new read aloud book hopefully this week. It will be a special book just for October.

We will be starting a new writing prompt so that you can show how your writing has improved since the begining of the year.


Read for at least 45 minutes. Record what you read in your homework notebook and on your roadrunner tales.

MACRO math lessons 11 and 12


October 18, 2010

Start of Quarter 2


Welcome Back Everyone. So glad to see all of you at school today.

Pictures are on Friday. Please remember to dress nicely. This is not a dress down day.

What we did today:

We started back into our learning. We worked on Mountain Math, Math Puzzles, and of course MACRO.

We also started a new Social Studies Newspaper, and a new read aloud book.


Read for at least 45 minutes. Record your reading in your homework notebook and on a road runner tale form.

MACRO Lessons 9 and 10.


October 17, 2010

Welcome back to our 2nd Quarter


Welcome back. Hope your fall break was fun and relaxing. This is the start of the 2nd quarter.

What are your goals for this quarter? How are you going to work to reach those goals?


Did you read everyday over break? Don't forget your homework notebook and roadrunner tales.

October 4, 2010

Student Led Conferences

Why do we hold student led conferences instead of parent-teacher conferences?

Por qué llevamos a cabo conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes en lugar de las conferencias de padres y maestros?

No, its not because we are trying to shirk our duty. The big answer is that it holds students more accountable for their learning. And, there is education research to back it up. Here are the highlights of the benefits:

No, no es porque estamos tratando de eludir nuestro deber. La gran respuesta es que tiene los estudiantes más responsables de su aprendizaje. Y, no hay investigación en educación para respaldarlo. Éstos son los aspectos más destacados de los beneficios:

Highlights of Research on Student-Led Conferences

Aspectos destacados de la investigación de Conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes

Student-led conferences are emerging as a way to actively engage students in their learning process, wrote Donald G. Hackmann, assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in an ERIC Digest, “Student-Led Conferences at the Middle Level.” Following are some of the benefits of student-led conferences listed in Hackmann’s article:

Conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes se están convirtiendo en una forma de involucrar activamente a los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje, escribió Donald G. Hackmann, profesor asistente de liderazgo educativo y estudios de política en la Iowa State University con un Eric Digest ", dirigidas por los estudiantes Conferencias en el Nivel Medio . "A continuación se presentan algunos de los beneficios de las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes mencionados en el artículo Hackmann de:

* Students assume greater control of their academic progress.

* Los estudiantes asumen un mayor control de su progreso académico.

* Students accept personal responsibility for their academic performance.

* Los estudiantes aceptan la responsabilidad personal por su desempeño académico.

* Parents, teachers, and students engage in open and honest dialogue.

* Los padres, maestros y estudiantes participan en un diálogo abierto y honesto.

* Parents attend conferences at increased rates.

* Los padres asisten a conferencias en las tasas de aumento.

* Students learn the process of self-evaluation.

* Los estudiantes aprenden el proceso de auto-evaluación.

* Students develop organizational and oral communication skills.

* Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de la comunicación organizacional y oral.

While we can’t guarantee that all students in all conference situations will achieve all these benefits, we can say that the chances are better than in a parent-teacher conference.

Si bien no podemos garantizar que todos los estudiantes en todas las situaciones conferencia alcanzar todas estas ventajas, podemos decir que las posibilidades son mejores que en una conferencia de padres y maestros.

Student led conferences give students an authentic opportunity to share their growth as a learner. As students take a more active role in their educational goals, they will become more independent, self-directed learners.

Student led conferences give students an authentic opportunity to share their growth as a learner." te="Estudiantes llevó conferencias dar a los estudiantes una oportunidad auténtica de compartir su crecimiento como un aprendiz.

Estudiantes llevó conferencias dar a los estudiantes una oportunidad auténtica de compartir su crecimiento como un aprendiz.

As students take a more active role in their educational goals, they will become more independent, self-directed learners.

Como los estudiantes toman un papel más activo en sus metas educativas, que se vuelven más independientes, aprendices auto-dirigidos.